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Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

⊱Heenim_Super Junior!!⊰

HeeChul Oppa!!!


Tukie oppa!! what have you done  to my Heenim oppa!!??


 Wanna Some~ ?

Tukie, kyuhyun oppa and another member were almost DROP THEIR JAWS, when they saw HeeChul oppa dressing up like a hell`a pretty GIRL!!
they don't believe if Cinderella Oppa could be that hell`a Pretty!!
wahaha, poor them~

IT's Cinderella Oppa Smoothy Hands!!

Who's That lucky Girl!!? so jealous!!!

Oppa were just look like an Alien~
this pic. made by HeeChul when

HanChul!! (4 ever~)



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